- YesPoWer Mining Pool
Welcome to
YesPoWer Node Open Mining Pool
  • Minimum payout / 最低支払額: 0.1 BELL or 0.1 SUGAR
  • Payment interval: 10 min. / 支払間隔: 10分
  • Pool fee: 0.5% / 使用手数料: 0.5%
  • Payment method: PROP / 支払方法: PROP
Last updates
Apr/20/2024 Changed minimum payout amount to 0.1.
Apr/05/2024 Sugarchain pool maintenance has been completed.
Apr/04/2024 Sugarchain pool is under maintenance.
Nov/15/2019 Welcome!
Pool and Network Stats
 Coin: Bellcoin
 Miners Online: 2
 Workers Online: 12
 Pool H/s: 4.07 KHash/s
 Pool Fee: 0.5 %
 Min Pay: 0.1 BELL
 Block Height: 3049026
 Network H/s: 16.53 KHash/s
 Difficulty: 0.00024769
 Node Connections: 36
 Daemon: /Bellcoin:
 Luck: 1 Minutes
 Coin: Sugarchain
 Miners Online: 25
 Workers Online: 452
 Pool H/s: 563.05 KHash/s
 Pool Fee: 0.5 %
 Min Pay: 0.1 SUGAR
 Block Height: 30977856
 Network H/s: 433.04 KHash/s
 Difficulty: 0.00046308
 Node Connections: 42
 Daemon: /Yumekawa:
 Luck: 0 Minutes
Bellcoin Minerd Settings
Username: {your Bellcoin address}.{Worker Name}
Algorithm: yespower
Mobile (diff. 0.01): stratum+tcp://
Middle (diff. 0.1): stratum+tcp://
High (diff. 1): stratum+tcp://
Cloud (diff. 10): stratum+tcp://
e.g.: cpuminer -a yespower -o stratum+tcp:// -u {Address}.{Worker}
Sugarchain Minerd Settings
Username: {your Sugarchain address}.{Worker Name}
Algorithm: yespowerSUGAR
Mobile (diff. 0.01): stratum+tcp://
Middle (diff. 0.1): stratum+tcp://
High (diff. 1): stratum+tcp://
Cloud (diff. 10): stratum+tcp://
e.g.: cpuminer -a yespowersugar -o stratum+tcp:// -u {Address}.{Worker}
Coin Prices Infomation
Mining Servers Infomation
 South East Asia
 DDoS Protected
 High spec CPUs
 Large capacity RAM
 High speed storage
 High speed network